
Call of duty cold war wiki
Call of duty cold war wiki

call of duty cold war wiki

The recoil is symmetrical so while the weapon bounces around somewhat while firing recoil tends to go straight up. The AK-47 has higher recoil than most of the other assault rifles, with a recoil pattern of 60 up, left, and right, and 30 down. The moderate rate of fire and the high damage per bullet gives the AK-47 among the fastest times to kill out of all the fully automatic assault rifles. In this case, head shots only help outside of effective range. Equipping Stopping Power reduces this to two-to-three shots. Head shots generally reduce the number of bullets needed to kill by one. The AK-47 deals 40-30 damage depending on range, killing targets in three-to-four shots. It is a high-damage, slow-firing assault rifle on par with the M16A4 and MP44. The AK-47 is one of the first assault rifles unlocked in multiplayer, being available as soon as Create-a-Class is unlocked. The AK-47 is one of the only weapons that is more accurate in multiplayer than it is in single player.Ĭall Of Duty Mobile Review - Boots On The Go The AK-47 Grenadier has a max ammo of 308 instead of 300. A variant of the AK-47, called the AK-47 Grenadier (a standard AK-47 with an underslung GP-25 grenade launcher), is also relatively common. The AK-47 is most effective at close to medium range. The AK-47's recoil is mostly visual, as the sights re-settle on the target between shots. It is far superior in terms of firepower and penetration when compared to most other rifles in the game, and it keeps an open field of view for spotting other nearby targets, although it suffers more in terms of recoil. It is never found with a red dot sight or silencer. The AK-47 is in the single player mode and is the weapon most frequently used by the in-game enemies, such as Ultranationalists and OpFor militants. Effective at medium range." - Weapon description 13 Call of Duty: Black Ops: DeclassifiedĬall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare & Modern Warfare Remastered " Fully automatic with high power.11 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance.7 Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nintendo DS).

call of duty cold war wiki

2 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nintendo DS).1.5.2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.1 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare & Modern Warfare Remastered.

Call of duty cold war wiki